My skills

These are the programming languages, computer systems and tools I am more proficient in. Of course, I am proficient in common tools like Microsoft Office and have some experience in other items like Ruby, Rails and C#.

Click on the more info button to see a more extensive description.


Versions 5 to 8
2 years

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Java is my language of choice and the one I am most comfortable with. I learned it at CMU and I am proud to say that it is the first language of which I have also learned its culture. I program in it using Effective Java as a quality standard and I can work with it comfortably from Java 5 up to 8; being able to use features like Streams, Swing, and Lambdas.



POSIX Threads
4 years

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C++ was the first programming language I learned. I admire the power and versatility it gives to the programmer, letting him go from a high level of abstraction to getting really close to system if needed. All my fundamental courses at ITESM were given in this language. Taking course 15-213 at CMU let learn C and system level programming in which now I can work comfortably.



Versions 2.7 and 3.x
Jupyter Notebooks
1 year

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I started learning Python for Web Development because I was required to use Django. I knew I had to gain proficiency in at least one scripting language, therefore I went deeper into Python. I like the speed in which I can program, the clutter free syntax, and the less rigid type system. It is also my language of choice for Data Science which is of my main fields of interest.



OAuth framework
Basic security
1+ years

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My web framework of choice, Django is where I learned the majority of the web concepts I know today. I use it for my more complex sites and thanks to it, I learned Python, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, and JQuery. I also learned how to develop robust and secure websites that defend against a wide range of attacks like: SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting.



Package Development
Everyday use
1+ year

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Thanks to my time at CMU and to my friends that urged me to learn it, I know LaTeX. I am capable of writing general documents like articles and reports with ease, as well as more advanced documents like my résumé. I have recently begun developing packages for more complex typesetting as well as using it regularly for all my written work.



Everyday use
1+ year

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I love both Git and GitHub due to the facilities it gives me to have more control and security over my work, as well as to have better coordination between team members. All my major works are done using Git; when I am in a team, I usually use them alongside Trello and Slack for better team performance.

I feel most comfortable using the Bash version.



Certified by Coursera

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One summer I decided to venture into mobile programming, during that time I had just Android devices and Windows at my disposal, so I chose Android. My major app was an Enigma Machine used to communicate secretly with my friends. However, I am only capable of developing simple apps.


I took the mobile development course at ITESM. Its purpose was to learn the Swift programming language alongside iOS platform. With the skills learned at the course I am capable of doing relatively complex apps that comply with Apple standards. I am in the process of uploading a physics simulator app for High School students to the store.



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Arriving at CMU I discovered functional programming. Talking to staff and friends I got pointed to Haskell. I took advantage of my summer vacations to finally learn it, and I must confess it has truly been a delight. It is a beautiful language, well thought of, and very fun to use. I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes my favorite language in the future.

Code for animations obtained from Intro to CSS 3D transforms by David DeSandro.