Tiro Parabólico App

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My team and I decided to focus our final project application on education. We talked with our teacher and she got us in a Prep@Net project alongside the physics department. Our goal was to make a nice looking and easy to use application for learning projectile motion in two dimensions. The app is directed towards high school students with low levels of income. It has a simulator that shows information about the particles movement in time. It also enables them to make comparisons between simulations.

The game was inspired on the PhET simulations by the University of Colorado, but made local and mobile to inspire students to use it in places were no internet connection is available. E.g. taking the bus home.


The app is comprised of 3 main sections: the simulator, an instructions manual for app usage and simulator handling, and a series of randomized questions to test the students understanding of the subject.


The app is currently being processed to be made available to the public through the app store.

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