
Here you can see all the relevant information about my academic formation. Specifically, the list of the schools I have attended to and additional information regarding my residence in each one.

Tecnológico de Monterrey

Monterrey, México
Cumulative GPA of 98/100
Fall 2013 - Spring 2018

I entered this university persuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Technology (BCT). Upon entry I was accepted to the Honors program in which I had to learn a new language, german in my case, and was required to take more advanced courses.

Here are some awards and honors:

  • High Academic Achievement Award (2014)  

Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Cumulative GPA of 4.0/4.0
Exchange Student for Spring and Fall 2016

As part of my academic formation at the ITESM Honors program, I was required to study one year abroad. I decided to apply to CMU due to its high rankings and reputation in fields like Computer Science and Robotics. After my first semester there, I was honored to be offered the position of Teaching Assistant of professors Charles Garrod and Joshua Bloch for course 15-214 during Fall 2016.

The courses I took during my stay were:

  • Spring:
    • 15-214: Principles of Software Construction: Objects, Design, and Concurrency
    • 15-292: Special Topic: History of Computing
    • 15-437: Web Application Development
    • 19-211: Ethics and Policy Issues in Computing
  • Fall:
    • 15-213: Introduction to Computer Systems
    • 79-312: Archaeology of Death
    • 15-313: Foundations of Software Engineering
    • 15-388: Practical Data Science

Here are some awards and honors:

  • Named to the Dean's List of the School of Computer Science (Spring 2016)  
  • Named to the Dean's List of the School of Computer Science (Fall 2016)  

PMTR Highschool

Salina Cruz, México
Cumulative GPA of 9.8/10
Fall 2010 - Spring 2013

During my time here I was a member of the Color guard and part of my time was spent helping my collegues in the computer and circuits courses.

I have also received other awards and diplomas from sources like online education platforms (eg. Coursera or edX). Some of them are listed here.